
Chiropractic Care for Breast Cancer Pain: What You Should Know

Chiropractic Care for Breast Cancer Pain
October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. As such, we’d like to highlight how chiropractic care can help relieve breast cancer-related pain, especially post-surgery or after chemotherapy. The Southwest Chiropractic team is in full support of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with breast cancer, is currently undergoing treatment for breast cancer, or has survived breast cancer due to surgery, we can help. Through chiropractic care, we’re able to do our part in helping our clients achieve a pain-free life. 

A Primer on Breast Cancer
According to the American Cancer Society, an estimated 268,600 new cases of invasive breast cancer will be diagnosed among women and approximately 2,670 cases will be diagnosed in men in 2019-2020. That’s an over 30,000+ increase from 2015. 

Breast cancer is commonly associated with lumps that can be found in breast tissue. It’s important to point out that these signs are not universal among those who have been diagnosed. 

Breast cancer is more prevalent among women in their late 60s but the ACS recommends for women aged 45-54 to receive annual mammograms. Upon reaching 55 years of age, mammograms can be switched to every two years. 

As with most cancers, early detection is crucial for appropriate treatment and care. That’s why annual mammograms are recommended for women in their mid-40s. If a doctor sees signs of breast cancer during an early screening, the patient will be able to begin treatment sooner rather than later. The American Cancer Society states relative survival rates for women diagnosed with breast cancer are 91% at five years after diagnosis. 

Surgery is a common treatment for breast cancer, with the two most prevalent options being mastectomy or breast-conserving surgery (BCS). A mastectomy is the surgical removal of the entire breast while BCS, as its name might suggest, involves only the removal of the cancerous tissue and a rim of normal tissue. Surgery is often paired with radiation therapy.

How Chiropractic Care Can Help Breast Cancer Survivors
Any surgery is traumatic on the body. Recovering from a successful mastectomy can take weeks or months. It can be a painful process, resulting in aches, pains, and physical impairment. This is where chiropractic care can come into play. 

Perhaps this is the first time you’ve considered chiropractic care working in tandem with post-surgery recovery, but it’s a very common option. Chiropractic care is non-invasive and drug-free, making it an excellent choice for anyone who has gone through chemotherapy. 

As El Paso’s premier chiropractic clinic, we’ve seen the positive impact of our therapy services first-hand. Our treatment options can aid those suffering from back pain, chronic pain, neck pain, and headaches. Those recovering from breast cancer surgery tend to experience these kinds of pain, seeing as their bodies have undergone quite a serious change. If you’re looking for a non-invasive way to reduce pain, then chiropractic therapy from Southwest Chiropractors may be the right answer. 

Prior to partaking in chiropractic care, however, it’s crucial for you to speak with your doctor. Once you receive the go-ahead, make sure to let your chiropractor know you’re recovering from breast cancer-related surgery. This way, we’ll be able to provide the right therapy you and your body deserve. 

What to Expect from Your Treatment Plan
Once you’ve received approval from your medical doctor, it’ll be time to discuss your chiropractic treatment plan. Due to the myriad symptoms one may experience post-surgery, not every treatment plan will be alike. For instance, one client may experience tremendous back pain and headaches but experience no other pain. It wouldn’t make too much sense to include neck pain treatment in this individual client’s treatment plan. By having an open discussion with your chiropractic care professional, you’ll be able to experience pain relief that’s tailored to your needs.

At Southwest Chiropractic, we go above and beyond for our clients. In fact, the very first step Dr. Fred Aguayo takes is to conduct a comprehensive exam which includes an interview, an in-depth look at your medical history, as well as in-house x-rays and lab tests. If you feel unsure about undergoing x-rays or partaking in lab tests, then we’ll be able to discuss it with your medical doctor to find the best path forward. Once Dr. Aguayo has all the information he needs, he will create a comprehensive treatment plan that will be specialized to your needs. 

Southwest Chiropractic Cares For You, All Year Long
At Southwest Chiropractic, we care about each and every one of our clients. Just because October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month doesn’t mean we stop caring about all those who have been diagnosed. Awareness of receiving regular screenings, understanding surgery options, and learning more about non-invasive post-surgery treatment is crucial in order for our community to live happy, healthy lives. If you’d like to learn more about how we can help, simply give us a call!



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