
How Chiropractic Care Can Help You Deal With Stress

A middle aged man with neck pain as he works on the computer

Chiropractic care plays a vital role in our modern world. We are surrounded by a very unique set of stressors. We might not be worried about having to go hunt for our next meal with a bow and arrow, but the modern workplace, high traffic commutes, health concerns, and global pandemics can all cause stress that wears on us day-in and day-out. That stress takes a toll as it accumulates in the body and can wreak havoc on many of our daily functions including sleep, activity level, and focus ability. 

How does this stress affect our body, and what can a chiropractor do to help? 

We explore this question in this blog! 

If you need stress relief, Southwest Chiropractic in El Paso works with you to achieve it. Learn more about it by calling our office at 915-581-9619

The Effects of Stress on the Body 

Whether you are being chased by a wildcat or missed an important deadline at work that puts your job on the line, your body responds to the stress in a similar manner. The stress reaction produces a barrage of stress hormones that can cause physiological changes. For example, a stressful episode can trigger sweat, a fast heartbeat, and even other ailments such as gastrointestinal or other issues. 

The stress response is also commonly known as the “fight-or-flight” response. It is a natural—and, at times, necessary—defense mechanism that allows our bodies to avert danger or potentially dangerous situations. This natural response, however, can sometimes be triggered by day-to-day stressors and compounds over time. This means that our systems are in constant overdrive, responding to signals that may not necessarily be life-threatening, and this can slowly build problems. 

Chronic stress can have a direct impact on a person’s:

  • Blood pressure 
  • Obesity 
  • Productivity or focus 
  • Heart health
  • Anxiety and depression 
  • Lowered immunity 
  • Stomach issues
  • Tension, achy muscles

The Link Between Stress & Your Spine 

If you’ve ever felt a stiff back or a backache after a long day at work, you know that stress often manifests itself in the spine. Without realizing it, stress can severely affect a person’s posture, activity level, and breathing. All of these things can cause the muscles in the back to stiffen and become tense. Stress can cause back pain and lead to reduced mobility. 

That’s when a vicious cycle begins. As posture worsens, spinal health suffers even more. This reduced spinal health will further contribute to ailments and cause more stress, which in turn can affect a person’s sleep patterns, activity level, and posture. All of these compounds begin to affect every function in the body. Eventually, this continuous cycle of stress can turn into subluxations or abnormalities in the spine alignment. 

Your body can endure three different types of stressors: 

  1. Chemical stress: These stressors might refer to environmental factors and toxins that we deal with every day. 
  2. Physical stress: This type of stress includes chronic inflammation or illness that puts stress on our body systems. Also, injuries, hard physical labor, or even a sedentary lifestyle can also take a toll. 
  3. Emotional stress: Fluctuating moods, emotional issues, and mental health can all trigger stress responses in the body. 

How Does Chiropractic Care Help You Manage Stress? 

Regardless of the type of stress in your life, the solution can be similar across the board. It’s a combination of good nutrition, exercise, mindset, and helpful therapies. Chiropractic care provides patients with an alternative drug-free solution to stress. 

Here’s how your chiropractor can help:

  • A chiropractor performs a series of tests to assess your spine and back health and determine any problem areas.
  • A chiropractor takes note of your medical history and any past conditions that might be affecting your posture or spine health.
  • Perform spinal adjustments and readjustment techniques that are specific to your circumstances.
  • Perform a variety of manipulations or manual therapies that can help readjust the spine or improve tension.
  • Implement specialized readjustment therapies that help realign vertebrae and break the cycle of pain that originates from there. 

Chronic Pain and Chiropractic Care

Research shows that chiropractic care can be an effective tool against chronic pain. Spinal manipulation and manual therapies contribute to improving the physical functionality of a person. Studies have shown that pain and stress are linked, and by helping people deal with chronic pain, a chiropractor is relieving the patient of a daily stressor. 

Chiropractic Care Can Help You Deal With Stress – Don’t Wait

Mitigating stress and reducing it in a natural way is an effective way to get your life back on track and improve your mood, sleep, and productivity. If stress is holding you captive, a chiropractor can help you through various techniques.

Want to learn more about how a chiropractor can help? Call us today or visit our office in El Paso.

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